May 26, 2022: Extra Effort Awards & Team Effort Awards

Heidi McCormick, Office Assistant, Athletics – nominated by Tyler Cundith

Heidi always performs duties that are above and beyond her job description. She is extremely dedicated and always wants the best for our student-athletes.


Jimmy Keaton & Bill Howard, Police Officers, JCCC Police Department – nominated by Lisa Gates

It was Friday afternoon, I left work late after a long week, and was ready to unwind and relax! As I approached my car in the Galileo lot, I noticed I had a flat tire. And I mean FLAT flat. There was a big ol’ screw (pic attached) sticking out of it. UGH! I stood frozen with frustration about how the plans for my evening just took a major turn. It had been a long time since I had experienced anything like this, so what did I do? I text my dad, of course! Lol He was busy so he suggested AAA but I knew that would take forever and I couldn’t remember if I even had it anymore. I texted a couple of coworkers who offered words of sympathy and one of them even came out to see if I was ok. I thanked her and sent her on her way because she couldn’t do anything to help and I didn’t want her evening ruined, too! (THANKS, Sara!!) I then called the JCCC police department. Within a few short minutes, Officers Bill Howard and Jimmy Keaton came to my rescue! While Jimmy filled my tire with air, Bill was calling Burnett Automotive across the street to see if they could get me in to fix my flat. Once we determined it was a slow leak, Office Howard followed me across the street to make sure I made it ok, while Jimmy was off to save someone else in need. Burnett had me in and out of there in about 20 minutes and fixed my tire for only about $30. What I thought was going to ruin my entire evening only delayed me about an hour. PHEW! THIS is why I LOVE working for JCCC!!


Ana Lim, Part-Time Executive Assistant, President’s Office – nominated by Christina Zelinski

Ana has helped train me over the past 5 weeks.  Whenever I’ve asked her to re-visit some training procedure, she has always been willing & even excited to assist me.  She continues to go beyond in order to help me succeed.  Ana brings great skills to JCCC and when she leaves to pursue her education, JCCC will lose a great asset.


Tristian Hughes, Office Assistant, Olathe Health Education Center Operations – Nominated by Stephanie Belford & Megan Bukaty

Tristian is the first person you see when you walk into the Olathe Health Education Center, greeting everyone with a welcoming smile. She goes above and beyond to communicate and support her colleagues in so many different ways. Each semester she provides an enormous amount of assistance to our team by helping to check-in and verify required documentation for hundreds of candidates taking CNA state licensing exams. Tristian is proactive and always happy to pitch in and help with anything that is thrown her way. Her great communication skills and willingness to be of service make a huge impact in the safety and smooth operations at OHEC and we are so thankful for all that she does!


Bill Carpenter, Electrical Mechanic, Maintenance – nominated by Allen Barton

Bill’s always helping out other people; taking charge and getting jobs lined out; taking over Marc’s job when he’s gone; ordering parts; and keeping all informed on jobs going on campus. Thanks.


During the Spring 2022 semester, the virtual Extra Effort Awards will be announced monthly.  The virtual Extra Effort Award nomination form can be found at




  • Faye Martin, Custodial Supervisor, Housekeeping
  • Aaron Manning, Coordinator, Housekeeping & Custodial Services
  • The Housekeeping team


Nominated by Anne Hunt, Manager of Conference Services & Room Scheduling, Scheduling & Event Management


Accomplishment: This entire team recently stepped up to help set up for an event on a Saturday afternoon. We had a limited time frame in which to set up the conference center for a large event. Many came in on their day off to assist with the set up and assure that it was set on time. We could not have held the event without their assistance, and we greatly appreciate the extra effort that this team put forth to ensure that this event could happen.


Ties in with JCCC Strategic Goal(s):  The team’s hard work supports Community Partnerships strategic goal through their commitment to hosting an outside group’s event. They accomplished this by working within time constraints and coming in on their day off to make sure the event ran seamlessly.




  • Zach Gredlics, Program Coordinator, Continuing Education
  • Gretchen Merritt, Program Coordinator, Continuing Education


Nominated by Tim Frenzel, Director of Programming, Continuing Education


Accomplishment: Between people moving, leaving and taking new roles, CE is down 4 of our 6 Program Coordinators. Zach and Gretchen have taken on two large program areas on top of their usual content areas. They have both worked hard to learn everything about the new areas and how to improve what we are doing.


Ties in with JCCC Strategic Goal(s):  The team’s hard work supports the Employee Engagement strategic goal through the encouragement of employee growth. They have accomplished this by going above and beyond to make sure those employees seeking continuing education opportunities are having their needs met.