July 28, 2022 – Extra Effort & Team Effort Awards


Troy Dooling, Plumber, Maintenance – nominated by Allen Barton
Troy does all backflows in repair and replacement, is helpful in doing a job, and is always looking for plumbing to fix from major to little jobs. He helps others and regularly asks for information on how to fix or repair problems.


Maggie Stanton, Marketing Copywriter, Strategic Marketing Operations – nominated by Kristi Stanley
While helping out one of her coworkers, Maggie created the awesome advertising headline for JCCC: “Start here. Go anywhere.” It speaks volumes, and tells prospective students in just a few words what a JCCC education can do for them. The popular headline has been used on everything from ads on buses to billboards to print and digital ads promoting the College. Fun fact: Maggie also coined the term “Sprintern” when she worked as an intern for Sprint. That concept was featured in an advertising campaign with Verizon-turned-Sprint guy “Paul” and a “Sprintern.”


Ana Lim, Executive Assistant, President’s Office – nominated by Caitlin Murphy
Ana continues to go above and beyond in her role. She is always willing to help out in any way needed and continually gets tasks done early. In particular, she rearranged her entire schedule last week to cover my duties while I was out on vacation –  it was a HUGE help. I would have come back to work with an overwhelming to do list had Ana not been so helpful!


John Adessi, Business Advisor, Small Business Development Center – nominated by Vincent Haworth
We have a mutual client that was in the process of purchasing a business; the buyer was in a very time sensitive situation and needed specific statistics for his loan request. John was on vacation, but still took time to send the necessary information so the client could move forward with his loan request. The client was able to use this information and was able to secure an offer from the bank! Thank You, John!


Steven Piper, Fitness Center Monitor, Health & Wellness – nominated by Lori Mallory
Steven Piper is a monitor in the LFC. He works the 6a-9am shift, which is not a desirable time. He comes ready to work, helpful to patrons, and always full of ideas for improvement. Steve is a retired postal employee, so it is in his blood to serve others with a smile, come rain or shine. We appreciate his effort to keep JCCC a welcome place to visit.

The virtual Extra Effort Award nomination form can be found at https://blogs.jccc.edu/staffdev/awards/extra-effort/



  • Bret Lawson, Senior Cloud Engineer • Academic Technology Services
  • Tim Lucas, Senior Cloud Sys/App Administrator • Academic Technology Services
  • Jeff Morgan, Senior Cloud Sys/App Administrator • Academic Technology Services
  • Sen Lin, ATS System Support Technician • Academic Technology Services

Nominated by Adam Entwhistle, Director of Academic Cloud Architecture/Infrastructure

Accomplishment: Successful start of term(s) – The Academic Technology Services – Cloud Systems Team represents a quality distinct to its own, and their work ethic not only comes forward in their regular duties, but as a team they take a number of lead roles when working to update academic server hardware/software, academic cloud based infrastructure, systems administration and processing the necessary communication required to detail items of a technical nature to professors, adjunct instructors and cross campus staff. These efforts efficiently coordinate timelines, downtime and notifications to academic areas both on and off campus, assisting in face-to-face, hybrid and virtual learning. The systems team’s technical endeavors are not always noticed or present in the open, but can be monitored by having a successful start of a semester; having limited student ticket requests and support phone calls into the Technical Services Center on systems like Canvas, IT VMware Virtual Environments; accessing Student Active Directory services, VPN account access, Cisco NetLab, Papercut and all of the integrations intertwined into academic systems. Having completed the last spring, fall and most recently the start of the summer semester with limited systems outages while completing several other internal projects, their efforts are on full display. This work goes above and beyond and in regards for team effort, showcases the robust use of technology on campus and in virtual cloud environments. Their work directly benefits the students and staff we serve. Cheers from a technology standpoint to another successful start of term!

Ties in with JCCC Strategic Goal(s):  The team’s hard work supports the Student Success strategic goal by creating and maintaining effective systems and pathways for students. They accomplished this by diligently supporting student learning through completing daily tasks and accomplishing larger goals, all related to the technological initiatives of the school.


  • Lisa Crawford, Career Development Coach • Career Development Center
  • Natalie Price, Career Development Coach • Career Development Center
  • Ashley Kretzschmer, Career Development Coach • Career Development Center

Nominated by Crystal Stokes, Coordinator, Career Development Center

Accomplishment:  The Career Development Coaches went above and beyond to help a non-traditional student build self-confidence by patiently working with the student for several weeks to develop job search strategies, effective interviewing skills, and appropriate interview attire. The Career Coaches provided encouragement and words of affirmation to the student, and it all paid off in the end because the student utilized the strategies she learned and obtained employment with JCCC. Way to go Career Coaches!!

Ties in with JCCC Strategic Goal(s):  The team’s hard work supports the Student Success strategic goal by creating and maintaining effective systems and pathways for students and ensuring that our models of teaching and learning lead to student success. They accomplished this through their approach to coaching, as evidenced by the positive results.


  • Sam Schunck, Student Support Technician • Technical Support Center
  • Aaron Capito, Student Support Technician • Technical Support Center

Nominated by Mark Barbosa, Technical Support Center Manager

Accomplishment:  Sam and Aaron’s amazing presence at our TSC table during Cav Craze Days brought in a record number of applicants for our Student Support Technician position. From that single event, we are currently onboarding 4 new students to our team. Great effort and truly great teamwork!

Ties in with JCCC Strategic Goal(s):  The team’s hard work supports the Student Success strategic goal by creating and maintaining effective systems and pathways for students. They accomplished this through their successful efforts to engage students in work opportunities on campus that will support them financially and in experience.