
What does it mean to be an honors student? Honors students say it best:

Ita J., Class of 2022

“…If you are a student at JCCC, and you have doubts about fitting in or being capable of taking extra commitments just remember this old Mexican lady: me. I completed all the requirements to graduate with honors, I volunteer in two different organizations, I am the chair of service for the PTK chapter and the Honors Student Association, and I am a working mother of two little girls. I think my plate is really full! Do not doubt of yourself! You are more than capable of doing amazing things, just try! I can testify that you will succeed!

Christina H., Class of 2020

“I’ve made friends, become involved in my community and my school, and learned about myself. The program has changed my aspirations, encouraged me, and given me strength!”

Ethan B., Class of 2020

“Being a part of the Honors Program at JCCC instilled a love for learning and a confidence in facing academic challenges. The small class size and incredible professors who went above and beyond to facilitate meaningful teaching moments made my time in the Honors Program unforgettable. I feel that I am well prepared for future academic and career endeavors; the roles that JCCC and the Honors Program played cannot be understated.”

Erin K., Class of 2018

” I am extraordinarily glad that I joined the Honors Program. The classes have helped my critical thinking skills and made me more open-minded, not to mention the community in Honors welcomed me with such kindness that I feel I’ve joined a second family. My only regret is not joining sooner.”