Spring 2022

Course TitleSubject and Course #CRNInstructor(s)Course Description
Art History: 20th Century HonorsARTH 18411620Allison SmithSorry: no description available
Composition I HonorsENGL 12110124Sam BellNote: For this honors section the prerequisite is either an ACT score of 27 or higher or at least a score of 276 on the JCCC writing assessment test. Course objectives and competencies will remain the same as for other Composition I classes, although the instructor has selected different textbooks. For additional information and permission to enroll, please contact the honors office at 913-469-8500 ext. 2434.
Composition II HonorsENGL 12210249
Michael CarrigerNote: For this honors section the prerequisites are (1) a minimum of a B in Composition I. Course objectives and competencies remain the same as for other Composition II classes, although the instructor has selected different textbooks. For additional information and permission to enroll, please contact the honors office at 913-469-8500 ext. 2434
Contemporary Approaches to World Mythology HonorsHUM 15611559Katherine BailesSorry: no description available
Honors Forum: Engineering the PastHON 25012460Stacy DavidsonThis Honors Forum focuses on the practice of historiography; close reading of text/images; exposing historical biases; the reception, use, and misuse of historical concepts; and best practices for public outreach, stewardship, and engagement. Students will apply this knowledge to creating a digital humanities project for the American Research Center in Egypt’s Archives Digitization and Publication Project. These materials span a range of thousands of years; students may choose to focus on: Pharonic Egypt, Greco-Roman Egypt, Coptic Egypt, or Islamic Egypt.
Honors Forum: Goodness: Human Cooperation, Compassion, and KindnessHON 25010276Bill McFarlaneIn this Honors Forum we will examine the human capacity for goodness. Drawing on research from a number of disciplines, including Anthropology, Biology, Economics, and Literature, we will focus on the ways in which humans are good to one another. Our primary topics will be cooperation, altruism, play, and kindness. The scope of this course will be broad and we will touch on the related topics of joy, happiness, pleasure, and beauty among many others. Following a series of introductory lectures and discussions, students will propose their own project and share their results with the class.
Honors Seminar: Erasures, Absences & SilencesHON 10011933
Anne DotterThe interconnected concepts of erasure, absence and silence offer more than the eye can meet. Indeed, from veal-parchments to contemporary efforts to reuse materials, the fabric of our very culture is made of build-overs, cover-ups, remixes, and other repurposing of what was to make what will be. Incidentally, this is also how knowledge is constructed: from the pieces of thoughts-past without which our present and future could not be. This course aims at scratching the surface to see more of what our complex and layered culture is made of; it will also introduce students to new approaches to what knowledge is, how it is constructed and how to engage critically and creatively in its production. Students will thereby be introduced to the many ways in which honors education allows to think outside the box and to the supportive environment that empowers them to forge your unique path forward. It will also equip them with he tools to ask hard questions, begin to find answers, develop a tolerance for uncertainty, and take on the task of knowledge construction as they embrace the identity of scholar.
Leadership & Civic Engagement HonorsLEAD 13011935Terri Easley-Giraldo and Anne DotterSorry: no description available
Principles of Macroeconomics HonorsECON 23012142Dan OwensSorry: no description available
Public Speaking HonorsCOMS 12110619Ashley VasquezNote: This is an honors section. Enrollment is by permission, requiring a minimum GPA of 3.5 and department approval. Course objectives and competencies remain the same as for other SPD 121 classes, although the instructor may have selected different textbooks. For additional information and permission to enroll, please contact the honors office at honors@jccc.edu.
Social Problems HonorsSOC 12511899Eve BlobaumSorry: no description available
US History Since 1877 HonorsHIST 14112154Tai EdwardsSorry: no description available