Honors Advising

The Honors staff are here to guide you through the honors curriculum and consider how honors courses and experiences might enhance your educational, personal, and career goals. Do you have questions on how Honors courses will fit into your academic path or would you like help mapping out your Honors Completion Plan? Schedule an appointment with Regan Baker, our Academic Retention and Completion Specialist, by emailing rbaker55@jccc.edu. It is recommended that you fill out the Honors Completion Map to help you plan your pathway through Honors. The map will be sent to you once you submit it so you can bring it to your next counseling meeting. Also, be on the lookout for events to assist you as you plan your honors journey! Do you want to map out how your leadership experience, internships, service, cultural events (and more!) can count for honors completion points? Do you need help finding a specific site where you can have these experiences? Schedule an appointment with Melissa Nolan, our High Impact Practices Specialist, by emailing mnolan13@jccc.edu.