University of Missouri – Kansas City

Do you accept transfer students in your Honors Program/College?


How do transfer students apply to your Honors Program/College?

You cannot begin your application for admission to the Honors Program until you have completed your application for admission to UMKC. When you have been admitted to UMKC, the Honors Program application will appear on the “to-do” list located on your application status page. If you do not find an Honors Program application link in your UMKC Admissions “to-do” list, please email the Honors Program ( to have an application link generated for you.

All applicants must submit a 650 word essay as part of their online application. If you meet the Honors Program admission requirements (3.5 college GPA or completion of honors program at transfer institution), then no letters of recommendation are necessary. Otherwise, your Honors Program application will still be considered, but you will need to submit two letters of recommendation. The online Honors Program application will provide a link for you to ask two teachers (or professors) who know you well to provide a reference letter.

Applications for admission to the Honors Program are considered on a rolling basis, and students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The final application deadline is June 15 for the fall semester and January 7 for the spring semester.

What are your criteria for selection?

3.5 GPA or participation in Honors Program/College of previous institution

How selective is your program when it comes to transfer students?

All transfer students who meet our criteria are admitted. Some who do not but have strong letters of recommendation and essays are also admitted.

Does your institution offer a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship? If so, how much may transfer students count on? What are the restrictions?

Yes. The Phi Theta Kappa Award provides a one-time $1,000 scholarship to Phi Theta Kappa members transferring to the University of Missouri – Kansas City. To qualify for this scholarship, you must show proof of membership in Phi Theta Kappa. Click here for more information.

Are transfer students eligible for honors-specific scholarships or awards?

The Talbott Honors Program Scholarship, that is open to all Honors students; they must already be a student at UMKC to apply. Each scholarship award will be at least $1,000

What other scholarships might be available to high-achieving transfer students at your institution?

There are many. Visit for more information.

What are your Honors Program/College completion requirements?

For transfer students: 21 honors credits; 3.2 GPA. Students can earn honors credits through:
  • Honors-only seminars and UMKC Essentials (General Education) courses
  • Honors Discussion Groups
  • Study Abroad
  • Individual Honors Contracts
  • Beyond the Classroom Experiences
  • Graduate courses

Do you accept community college honors course credit or experiences toward completion of your Honors Program/College?

Yes. Students can transfer up to 9 honors credits from their prior institution.

Does your Honors Program/College offer a seminar or track specific to transfer students? How do you support transfer students in your program?

There is no specific track for transfer students, but there is a First Semester Experience class at UMKC designed for transfer students although it is not mandatory. In the Honors Program we are trying to get the Honors Student Transfer Association up and running.

What is your recommended timeline for application?

The final application deadline is June 15 for the fall semester and January 7 for the spring semester.