Game chair Russ Hanna and Animation faculty member Jeff Byers have set up a “Free Roaming VR” lab in the MoCap room in the CoLab. Students in the Game program can use it to build and test free-roam (no cables connected to the computer) VR/AR games. If anyone is interested to learn more, contact Game chair Russ Hanna at
HCIS – Health Information Systems
MIRM – Medical Information and Revenue Management
To create student connections between the Health Information Technology (HIT) programs at Johnson County Community College and the robust, local HIT industry, faculty from Healthcare Information Systems (HCIS) and Medical Information Revenue Management (MIRM) Medical Coding Specialist programs will collaborate to develop a student-employer mentorship program. In order to see continued growth in the field, mentoring is highly encouraged by the advisory boards for both programs. Advisory Board members have indicated a strong need to make the industry more accessible and less intimidating to students.
Faculty will work with local employers and the Greater Kansas City Chapter of the Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) to develop a program that connects students and employers, creates educational and networking opportunities, and provides employment pathways. Initially, the mentorship program will leverage the dates of the Greater Kansas City HIMSS Chapter meetings and events for student/mentor connection opportunities. Students and mentors will then participate in focused activities and/or discussions through guided mentorship program materials.
During the Carl Perkins grant period, a pilot program will be developed and deployed. Initial efforts will focus on developing mentor program requirements and materials for both students and mentors. First-semester students with declared majors will be approached about the opportunity to participate, and Greater Kansas City HIMSS (Health Information Management Systems Society) Board Members will be asked to serve as mentors.